Unity provides two ways to save a game’s data.
Only when a game is short enough that it can be completed in a single session does the need for saving data diminish, but even in those scenarios, the feature can be very handy. Many games require multiple play sessions to see to the end, and it’s now expected that developers include ways to save the game and come back later. The need for saving all kinds of data, ranging from how much progress the player made in-game or their character’s statistics, became universal whether the game be a simple, linear adventure from beginning to end or it consists of a huge open world. But it didn’t take long for technology to improve, and thus games got longer and more complex.
At best, a game would save a high score and leave it at that. Saving Game Data with Unity - Simple Talkīack in the day, many games had little need for saving data since you could finish a game in about an hour.